Fee Structure

Fee Structure | CAD

Fee Structure

Application Fees & On-Site Survey Accreditation Fees

An application fee of Fifteen-Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) to cover administration and related costs regarding the application is payable by an Institution seeking a new or renewed accreditation status for their program.

Fees for an on-site visit will be on a cost recovery basis. Every effort will be made to minimize the cost of the site visit. A detailed estimate of the on-site visit costs will be forwarded to the Institution upon receipt of the accreditation application.

Annual Accreditation Fees

Accredited Education Institutions pay an annual accreditation fee, currently this fee is One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) annually, invoiced in January. 

All fees are non-refundable and are subject to change without notice.



Disclaimer: All documents on this website are currently under review. If you are interested in obtaining copies, please contact our office directly.